I set my alarm an hour early this morning. I could barely open my eyes. I've been burning the midnight oil this week with long filming days (not the new film. Yet.). I went down to make coffee, and all the clocks read 5:30 am, but my phone said 6:30 am. I forgot it was daylight savings. That's a two-hour difference for asleep in a little bit Sunday. So I went back upstairs with my coffee to finish some work on the computer. I get settled in when a loud crashing sound is next to me. Our macrame plant hanger fell from the ceiling. I am up now. Wide awake.
I also got a text from a friend this morning telling me about a podcast with Warren Ellis on it. We saw Nick Cave & Warren last weekend, so it was a timely text. In the podcast, Warren Ellis talks about his new book, experiences with the supernatural in the form of Beethoven, but also about the nature of holy relics. This floored me. Because in my reading today of " A Daily Calendar of Saints," March 13th is the day we commemorate The Transfer of the Relics of St. Nicephorus. These coincidences? In my world, I think not.
Speaking of Saints, the new film's preproduction phase is moving along. It's a lot of moving parts, a lot of hats, and not as much boxed wine right now; gotta stay up late and get up early. Location scouting, phone calls, emails, talking to investors, contacting overseas distribution, and face-to-face meetings are getting up early. The staying up late part is writing and creating. It's the time of night I can get weird and let the subconscious take over while everyone else is asleep. I like this part the best.
We are wrapping up filming the Ochre House Theater's new production today. The Ochre house has a special place in my heart for countless reasons. One of these is the creative director Mathew Posey (pictured in this week's photo). Matt believed in me over 12 years ago, and I've kept that belief in my back pocket ever since. Not only is he a close friend, but Matt is also one of the finest actors on the planet. He has directed me for so many years, and it was an honor to direct him in This World Won't Break. But the bigger thrill is to have him play the lead in my next one.
If you have any extraordinary tales of saints or relics, please send them my way at howdy@joshdavidjordan.com. I'd love to hear them.
- Josh