I hope you are summering well and staying hydrated. This Texas heat is not messing around, and I'm sure it plans to go strong straight into our shoot dates. Speaking of shoot dates, we have them locked in, September 4th - 20th. Our producer team of Christian Sousa, Reno Lauro, Jessica Jordan, and myself are working out the schedule of what that looks like this week. Our locations include an island located in Port O'Connor. This private remote family island is an "in kind" donation via a connection we made when This World Won't Break was on the film festival circuit.
Forever grateful for that Southern hospitality.

Photograph by Mindy Byrd: Table read with El Tonto Por Cristo Cast
Speaking of Southern hospitality. Shout out to John and Bonnie Wells, the host and hostess with the mostess of our table read earlier this month. Our investors had a live stream link to peek into their process, and Julian is editing a video that will be part of the extras on the blue ray DVD once we get there.
If you'd like to support the making of this film, email me, and I'll reply with the different ways you can be involved. I'd love to have you aboard team ETPC!
Thanks for following along and for all your support; I mean that from my heart.
- Josh