Well, this is awkward. I have not been on top of my "A " game with my Sunday email as I had promised or my Friday Film Club (exciting news about that later). No excuses on here, but preproduction for the new feature film has required all the downtime on our end so we can save on many things later down the road during shooting. The good thing about all of this is that we have final creative control over something we believe in, El Tonto Por Cristo.
It's always the case. When you are making something, it's hard to find the time to sit back and enjoy other people's work that inspires you. I have a stack of films that I am dying to watch but can't at the moment because of deadlines, campaigns (investors, not politics), research, location scouting, and at times, sleeping. To pull the curtain back, I don't write on a laptop on a new blank page. I have an idea, write things on napkins, do voice memos ( no one should ever hear these, they will lock me up), scribble in moleskins, sticky notes, and whiteboards, and then I sit down and write the script in Final Draft. I have spent most of today watching different Orthodox monks play handmade bells and Semantrons. Jessica said maybe I should focus on some other things at hand, and she's right, but sometimes this is just how I work.
I am excited for yall to see this film in my head. I promise to write soon but you can always write me too, I like hearing from ya!
Much Love
P.S. The photo is from Andrei Rublev. The kid who makes the bell at the end. It means more now than ever. Don't tell Jess.
- Josh